‪Duty, Honor, America Tour has a dedicated YouTube Channel at
Mac Cox Hospital
DutyHonorAmericaTour commented
Aloha Mac, I am so blessed you were at West Point and in our class. Your kindness and humor made things for me energizing and supportive. Joe's tribute to you, his beautiful music reinforce what we all know about you- you are something special. I hope you know how much I treasure your friendship. Big love to you and your family. Deb Lewis & Doug Adams
‪Mac Cox Hospital
by ‪joecantumusic10 months ago
‪Mac Cox West Point Class of 1980 in Atlanta, Georgia Hospital.
‪Amy Cox, Wife; Albert Cox, Son, Caroline Cox, niece; April, Albert's Girlfriend; Joe and Terri Cantu Classmate and best friends.
‪DutyHonorAmericaTour and 13 others liked
‪Horse Soldiers of 9/11 Trailer
by ‪Luke Chavez2 years ago4,179 views
‪Trailer for Alex Quade's new film "Horse Soldiers of 9/11"
DutyHonorAmericaTour and 30,875 others liked
‪Soldiers Deck of Cards
by ‪Justin Flom2 years ago4,730,539 views
‪A Veterans tribute with just a pack of cards and a beautiful ending.
‪DutyHonorAmericaTour added to Favorites and liked
‪Devorah with Col Frazier
by ‪BikeSag2 years ago183 views
‪Devorah sings Wounded Warrior to Col. Frazier. Hell's Guest by Col. Frazier a POW and survior of the Bataan Death March.
‪DutyHonorAmericaTour and 1 other liked
‪Duty Honor America 2
by ‪Togacut3 years ago115 views
Two vets/one couple plus little dog Daisy. One cyclist/one CEO (Chief, Everything Officer) chose to draw from their savings so
‪DutyHonorAmericaTour and 2 others liked
‪Duty, Honor, America Tour - Team Alaska
by ‪Department of Defense 2 years ago216 views
‪Lt. Col. (Ret.) Douglas Adams and his wife Col. (Ret.) Deb Lewis and 7 active duty soldiers (Team U.S. Army Alaska) as they discuss how the inspiring Duty, Honor, America Tour is their way
‪DutyHonorAmericaTour and 2 others liked
‪Cross Country-1.mxf
by ‪lanternrougeprod2 years ago364 views
‪un-Clipped Short - An unlikely chance meeting between two men heading in opposite directions for remarkably similar reasons
‪DutyHonorAmericaTour and 5 others liked
‪Paws and Effect
by ‪Department of Defense 3 years ago507 views
‪Man's best friend is helping service members recover from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. See more DoD videos at ‪http://www.dodvclips.mil
‪DutyHonorAmericaTour uploaded a video
‪Meet Veteran John Degel: Enjoy the way he addresses - how to REALLY help our veterans
3 years ago99 views
‪Deb met up with John Degel better known as John D. Magician at Malta MT on Day 264/June 27 (John's B-day) of the Duty, Honor,
‪DutyHonorAmericaTour uploaded a video
‪Meet Sara Dunne- Check Out These Easy Ways To REALLY Honor Our Veterans
3 years ago299 views
‪On 27 May 11/Day 233- Doug Adams cycled to the Grand Rapids Home for Veterans, where he and his wife, Deb Lewis, met Sara
‪DutyHonorAmericaTour uploaded a video
‪Meet Pat Dobbs & Find Out More About the Crazy Horse Memorial in SD
3 years ago122 views
‪On 4 May, Doug Adams cycled to the Crazy Horse Memorial and Indian Museum of North America. Currently, this is the World's
‪DutyHonorAmericaTour uploaded a video
‪170 Day DHATour Interview- Meet Matt Sabin, WV Veterans Home
3 years ago92 views
‪Ever met someone who truly cares about our Military & Veterans, and brings people together to make a difference? You'll want to meet Matt Sabin. Join him as he describes a few of the
‪DutyHonorAmericaTour uploaded a video
‪Amazing Journeys- Spend A Morning with DHA Tour
3 years ago158 views
‪Posted on Day 150- Duty, Honor, America Tour (15 Mar 11). TN is the 27th State. Doug has cycled 8000+ mi & Deb has driven their
‪DutyHonorAmericaTour uploaded a video
‪Day 79 Dec 24 DHA Tour Interview 2010 Video.avi
3 years ago118 views
‪Christmas Eve of the Duty, Honor, America Tour (www.DutyHonorAmerica.com) - Doug Adams bicycles into his 18th state(of 50 states planned) logging in over 3600 mi (out
‪DutyHonorAmericaTour uploaded a video
‪Day 7 Oct 12 DHAT Video Joan Hebert on Vet Home Activities.avi
3 years ago73 views
‪Duty, Honor, America Tour- Videos from America- Here we see a dedicated professional who works at Maine Veterans' Home in South Paris, one of many across the country. In this video, Joan Hebert talks about the activities available to their residents through the generosity of others, the talented staff, and the leadership and financial support available through the Western Maine Veterans' Home Advisory Committee. What ways might you make a difference to ensure quality support is given to your local Veterans' home? Check out www.dutyhonoramerica.com and honor their courage and sacrifices.
"If you need help, get it. If you can help, offer it."
DutyHonorAmericaTour uploaded and added to Favorites
‪Intro to the Duty, Honor, America Tour (DHA Tour)
3 years ago215 views
‪Two vets/one couple plus little dog Daisy. One cyclist/one CEO (Chief, Everything Officer) chose to draw from their savings so they could set off 7 Oct 2010 on a one year journey to all 50 states (...