Superlative Support - Thank you all!
Our endeavor to heighten awareness of the needs of our veteran’s and their families has been greatly assisted by many people. Beginning with “pre-trip” preparations, and for continued support along the way, we offer our sincere thanks and appreciation to following companies and individuals:
Troy Rolan - Video support- Troy retired from the Army, but not from serving others. Troy met and joined Debra in Iraq (2006-2007) and hit the ground running by producing over 60 videos to help highlight the ongoing activity being done to benefit the Iraqis and our military. Troy also has the richest voice in broadcasting. His work speaks for itself. Check it out. Troy’s videos are amazing… here is the link to the sample ones on YouTube he did to help the DHA Tour raise awareness.
For additional information contact - Troy Rolan at troy.rolan@me.com or call at 706-409-4224.
DEMCO - Our sincere thanks to DEMCO for creating the Commander Tow Hitch (rated 6,000 lb - www.demco-products.com/towbars/commander.html it weighs only 41lbs) that has made it easy for Deb to tow their car. In particular, through Walter Cannon, Doug and Deb met Scott Johnsen at Redmond OR RV Convention. While there, and since then he has been incredibly responsive to ensure Deb can tow the car safely, and has furnished advice and support items on the road. For further information on DEMCO, visit their website or contact Scott at Scott.johnsen@demco-products.com
Drainmaster and Polychute – Our sincere thanks to Doug Swarts. One of the toughest tasks for Deb had been dealing with the water and sewage compartment. If you’ve ever seen the RV movie with Robin Williams, you’d have some idea of Deb’s many challenges. The RV Doctor, Gary Bunzer recommended Deb order the Polychute system and talk to the Drainmaster folks to replace the original valves with the Drainmaster system. Doug Swarts at Drainmaster soon contacted Deb, contributed the valves and recommended she have the work done at Lazydays near Tampa FL. Our gratitude for Doug and Gary because they identified and made it possible to obtain an easier system to deal with during this rigorous tour. Also, the Lazydays experience was all Doug said it would be and more. Their service detected a potentially catastrophic problem with the RV chassis. Without Doug Schwarts’ support and insistence, things may have turned out much differently for Deb on the road. For more info, you can contact Doug at Doug@drainmaster.com or visit their website at http://www.drainmaster.com
Lazydays - Through the recommendation of Doug Swarts, we went to Lazydays,- a place one might refer to as THE PLACE you want to go to get work done on your RV. They have overnight spots and allow customers to stay overnight in their RV even while the RV is in the maintenance. They offer breakfast and lunch as part of the experience, with coffee and other drinks available while you wait. Customer experience is amazing. Yet the most important aspect is the talent of their workers. Kim Vance was our advisor, George Rattee installed our Drainmaster valves, and Mike Fanelli is the certified Workhorse RV tech who not only did all the recall work we knew about –Brake calipers, he also did all other recall items he was aware. Most importantly, he went above and beyond to assess and learn that one of our leaf springs was not only fractured where you could see it on the axle, but also at the connections had multiple full fractures. Quality service, customer comfort and caring support made for a very positive experience to ensure the DHA Tour could continue. When asked for one thing to change in their comment card, Deb’s only comment was "Why?" (then she gave her context on why she wouldn’t change anything).
Lady Jayne - Deb met the owner while at the Redmond OR FMCA RV convention, when Deb noted they had Safari jewelry and wanted a closer look. Lady Jayne offers hundreds of nickel-free (avoids allergic reactions), unique combinations of charm earrings, bracelets, necklaces and other jewelry. Deb purchased a number of items for her travels. When Jayne heard Deb was getting ready to embark on the DHA Tour, she pulled out a gorgeous Army emblem earrings and necklace set as her contribution for the Tour. Deb wore the beautiful set at a number of functions since then, including the annual AUSA convention in DC last October, where others also enjoyed them. Go to LadyJayne.com to see her many charms, especially the category of "Associations" to see the emblems of all the military services.
Dr Joel & Michelle Levey - Deb first met Joel & Michelle at the In2In Forum back in 2009 where they gave an amazing presentation on personal mastery, mind fitness, and meditation. She also learned that they had worked with military organizations on the Jedi program to improve performance of units. Since then Deb participated in the workshop they gave the following year, has visited their sanctuary in Hawaii with Doug, they have visited Doug’s family home in Keaau, and Deb purchased some of their products, including- A Moment to Relax. During a crazy part of the DHA Tour when Deb was especially stressed, she pulled out her iPod where she had loaded the six audio segments from "A Moment to Relax". Deb is so familiar with them now that after two or three segments you might find Deb so relaxed she is sleeping, only to make sure she replays the last two segments to awake with energy. If it worked for Deb, she thought it might help other veterans, military and family members too and made a special request. Joel & Michelle enthusiastically agreed and immediately made the entire six audio segments available to the DHA Tour followers.
You can find out more about Joel and Michelle by going to Leveys at WisdomAtWork.com. They also provide a Thought for the Day, that is made possible by the generous support of others.
JvLo - Needing quality cycling gear with Deb & Doug’s concept of the desired design, Doug turned to JvLo to assist in task and identified the needed items to purchase. The initial set of uniforms arrived just in time on Day 1 of the tour, and the final design, worked on by an employee who had served in the Marine Corps, properly honored our Nation and our military, while making sure Doug would be easily visible over the course of the 16K+ miles of the tour and wear quality gear.
TireMinder - One of the safety concerns while operating the RV had to do with ensuring tire pressures would be monitored properly. At the New RV operators’ "boot camp" at Bowling Green KY June 2010 that Deb attended her first week after retiring, she learned that the TireMinder company had developed a tire monitor that measured constant tire pressure and temperature, knowing that having both provided greater awareness of the tire conditions. After purchasing the initial set for the RV and car, the team of Tireminder provided some other additional items to assist with the tour.
RV Doctor/Gary Bunzer - At the New RV operators’ "boot camp" at Bowling Green KY June 2010 that Deb attended her first week after retiring, Deb had the great fortune to attend classes on RV maintenance given by Gary Bunzer, the RV Doctor. As with all the instructors during that conference, Gary explained key aspects to understand before operating the RV. Since that day, Gary has been an invaluable advisor and friend, who continues to make an enormous impact to help make the operation of an RV something that is possible for anyone. It was not until later at the August Redmond OR FMCA convention that Deb learned Gary was truly one of the "Rock Stars" in the business, where friends of Deb explained just how much Gary had helped them and so many others throughout the country. Selfless, kind, and talented is exactly why Gary is able to reach out to so to make RVing accessible to all.
RV Safety/Walter Cannon - Walter Cannon is another talented individual Deb met at the New RV operators’ "boot camp" at Bowling Green KY June 2010 that Deb attended her first week after retiring. Walter is another "Rock Star" within the RV community through his commitment, knowledge, and manner of finding ways to educate as many people as possible on ways to safely operate an RV. Whether it is tire pressure, weight and loading an RV, towing, fire risks, and other operational safety considerations, Walter and the RV Safety community provide invaluable assistance and support to RVers throughout the country. For example, no matter how far I am traveling, I never ride with my propane gas tank open. Some of the terrible fires and fatalities of RVs in accidents can be traced to failing to turn the tank off before a traffic accident. Walter is one friend who can be counted on to provide sound advice along our Tour.
Marene & Hank Allison - Marene is a classmate of Deb & Doug. Early in the tour while Deb & Doug were traveling in the NE, Marene and Hank opened their home for several days to Deb, Doug & Daisy providing needed support and great conversation. For example, Hank found and procured needed sports drinks (Hammer products), picked Doug up when Deb could not get there, and obtained the Garmin 705 to reduce the future chances of Doug getting lost (causing additional unnecessary miles and frustration with his earlier equipment). Marene also took Deb horseback riding, an extra special treat during the tour.
Weatherfords - Many thanks for their enthusiastic support and 30% discount on Nuun box of drinks that Doug consumes daily.
Military Resource Directory - A wonderful site and comprehensive directory of support sites compiled by Juanita Williamson.
Email all correspondence to Army_Infantry_Mom@yahoo.com
Home page - http://militaryresourcedirectory.com
The Directory - http://militaryresourcedirectory.com/directory.php
RV Park Support - Tupper Lake Park, NY and Tupper Lake Police Lake Placid Fire Department
VFW Support (Burlington VT, Montpelier VT, Lancaster NH, Augusta ME, Portland ME Maine Veterans Home (South Paris ME Creed Monarch Inc (New Britain CT) Union League Philadelphia PA, Steve Labov, Salvation Army Team USA Fort Bragg NC AAFES Fort Polk, LA Bergeron's On-the-Bayou, Lakeland LA Hard Rock Hotel Biloxi (Free Parking) RV Park, Port Alabama- Joyce Hacker- DinnAloha and thanks for listening. Be sure to Like us if you want more of theseer and overnight RV Hilltop RV Fort Stockton, TX - Jim and KC- Overnight RV Elks Lodge, Sierra Vista AZ VFW & Kiwanis Park, Fountain Hills AZ Lost Lake Resort, Blythe CA Walmart (Many)
Private Overnight Hosts - Our sincere thanks to the many friends and family who hosted us at/in/near their homes. Mom and Dad (McLean, VA & Melbourne, FL), Drew & Kim Shearer (Granger, IN), Erin & Jeff Misner (Walkersville, MD), Kevin & Elaine
McGovern (West Roxbury, MA), Billye Waldron (Strafford, NH), Marene & Hank Allison (Doylestown, PA), Gregg & Maggie Martin (Carlisle, PA), Marcia & Ed Ruggero (Swathmore, PA), Will Hill & Theda Tankersley (Montgomery, AL), Ned & Johanna von Walter (Chance, VA), Tillie Smithers (Hampton, VA), David Schmidt (Jacksonville FL), Chryssie Tavrides (Orlando, FL), Sean & Kate Feeney (Milton, GA) John & Laure Luce (San Antonio, TX), Keala & Brian Lewis (San Antonio, TX), David Payne (Sheffield, TX), Allen & Margaret Tyree (Las Cruces, NM), Gary & Jane Thompson (Scottsdale AZ).
Our Sincere Thanks to These
Talented DHA Tour Sponsors
PFC William Kenzo Nakamura Chapter
Association of the United States Army
In 2010, AUSA and its 124 chapters gave over $2M in support of Soldiers and their families. This included picnics, veterans’ activities, ROTC programs, retiree events, buying uniforms, scholarships, awards, local Army celebrations, holiday parties for kids, welcome home ceremonies, deployment send-offs, fun runs, and so much more. The local chapter, PFC William Kenzo Nakamura Chapter, is based in Washington State and Doug Adams was its President. This local chapter is the first named after an enlisted Soldier, a Washington State native of Japanese descent, sent initially during World War II to the internment camps in the US. He later enlisted in the Army, earning the Medal of Honor for his heroism during WW II. Throughout the Duty, Honor, America Tour, Doug was proud to represent this tremendous organization dedicated to serve our Soldiers, veterans and families. We are so grateful to members of this local chapter, who supported our efforts and others in so many ways.
Veterans Family Fund of America
An organization dedicated to provide urgent resources to veterans and their families, not available elsewhere. Doug Adams served on the board of this organization from 2007-2010. The mission of the Veterans Family Fund of America (VFFA), is to help veterans and their families. A grassroots community organization, VFFA is dedicated to meeting urgent needs that are not covered through other veterans programs, especially those relating to unmet family needs.
The guiding principle of the fund is to provide prompt, focused financial assistance that resolves an immediate crisis. VFFA responsiveness can make a long-term difference in a veteran's quality of life— often affecting the family's financial survival. For example, VFFA has provided grants to cover childcare while a parent is looking for work after returning from deployment, tuition that allows the veteran to earn the last few credits needed for professional credentials for a civilian job, or emergency rent because ongoing financial support for the war-injured veteran has been delayed. Our veterans' families have typically never needed outside help previously; however, exceptional circumstances now require out assistance.
VFFA’s highest priority is to make sure your donations reach the people who truly need them. They collaborate with the Washington State Department of Veterans Affairs in Olympia, Washington to distribute donations, thus eliminating further need for high case-management costs and other unnecessary overhead. There is no connection between VFFA and the Veterans Administration.
Washington State Department of Veterans Affairs oversees the Veterans Innovations Program, a tax-exempt governmental unit under section 170 of the IRS code, authorized by the state legislature in 2006 to provide flexible funds to veterans who served in recent military action. The Veterans Innovation Program identifies and manages individual needs at no cost to VFFA. This means 100% of funds raised through The Veterans Family Fund™ Certificate of Deposit Program go directly to those in genuine need.
Shift Alliance and Elizabeth Topp
When Deb and Doug needed a business plan, ShiftAlliance was there for them. With insightful questions, a proven framework, and genuinely supportive discussions, Deb and Doug were able to launch an incredibly ambitious and service-oriented Tour in a highly compressed time-frame. Key messages, vehicle wraps, a website, social media accounts, uniform designs, and so much more evolved from these discussions, along with documents that captured their ideas in a useful format. After the initial two-week launch, the “Duty, Honor, America Tour” is poised to inspire and educate Americans on ways, large and small, they can honor military service and the sacrifices made for our freedoms, by paying attention to what really helps our military, veterans and families. As a signal example--following the interview format shaped by Elizabeth Topp, the DHA Tour’s foundational message emerged: “If you need help, get it. If you can help, offer it.”
Tacoma Dodge Chrysler Jeep
A Business That Really Helps Our Military. Imagine Doug and Deb’s dismay when none of their three cars could be towed by their new RV, forcing them to purchase another car. Additionally, because of the recent ‘cash for clunkers’ program, used car prices were greatly elevated to near new car prices. After doing extensive homework, the pair narrowed their choices to two cars where both dealers provided very generous terms making a new car preferable. After hearing the following story, the choice became clear.
The day prior to entering the Tacoma Dodge showroom, a military Soldier who lost both legs recently in battle, came to their dealership seeking to purchase a car to help him get his life back together. He explained that all previous car dealers would not give him a car loan to do so. Not understanding how this could be true, Tacoma Dodge looked into the matter only to find that the Soldier had an excellent credit rating until… when?... exactly! He fell behind after his injury. Tacoma Dodge dealership chose to back this Soldier’s loan with the bank and presented him his car the following day. While no one car dealership could be expected to shoulder the risk of helping all disabled veterans, what is preventing every dealership and business from looking more closely at each situation of anyone currently serving, family members who lost loved ones, or veterans in general to find ways that REALLY help as Tacoma Dodge did here?
D-Brake, LLC
A family-owned manufacturing business that quickly believed in Deb & Doug’s vision enough to help. D-Brake manufactures a braking system that is essential in a towed vehicle, Professional Brake. When Deb explained the Tour, she asked if they would consider providing the braking system for the towed vehicle to relieve some of the costs they had already absorbed after purchasing the RV and additional car to pursue the Tour. Very quickly, D-Brake agreed and later hosted Deb & Doug at their manufacturing plant in New Britain CT. While visiting their facility, Deb & Doug met some of the veterans there and learned of the many items used to support military equipment being manufactured, as well as, key components for the oil industry and many other businesses. D-Brake’s braking system is something Deb is able to install and remove easily, enhances the safety needed when towing a vehicle, and was a much appreciated resource when they REALLY needed it.
In2 InThinking Network: Better Thinking For A Better Future and Dr. Bill Bellows http://www.in2in.org/
Non-profit dedicated to approaching any issue far more thoughtfully and holistically to achieve enduring and desired outcomes. The In2:InThinking Network was formed in 2001 by a group of students of the work of W. Edwards Deming and related theorists. The aim of their network is to make thinking about systems, variation, knowledge, and psychology, and their interaction - which comprises Deming's system of profound knowledge - more conscious. They believe that such thinking about thinking, which we call "inthinking," will allow people to better perceive relationships and interdependencies in human endeavors, and consequently act to make those endeavors more valuable, more satisfying, and more joyful. At the center of In2in Thinking Network you'll find a host of dedicated, talented, and caring individuals ably led by Dr. Bill Bellows. Deb was first introduced to Bill through close friend and fellow West Pointer, Grace Olson. Since then, with Bill's encouragement and support, Deb and Doug attended their annual Forum, participated in the July 2009 Ongoing Discussion “Reconstruction in Iraq: An Extraordinary Opportunity to Expand One’s Thinking On How We “Help” Others”, and jointly presented at the 2010 Forum “Help Wanted: Genuinely Caring Leaders”. Anyone who appreciates the importance of how we approach the future, from rocket scientists studying space, to psychologists studying the inner workings of the mind, will want to join forces with this profound group of thinkers and caring leaders.
e.l. solutions, Inc. and Doug Krug
From Deb’s perspective- “Incoming mortars or enemy snipers firing on my convoy are nothing compared to the hazards and obstacles unintentionally created by the ‘not awares’ inside our organizations today at every level.” Deb is proud to tell you “I’ve known and closely followed Doug Krug the last 14 years of my recently completed 30 year military career. Doug Krug’s simple, yet powerful insights and practical tools work for everyone... that is, everyone who truly wants to see a positive change in the world we live in. One of the most humble and humorous experts on leadership, Doug Krug embodies that inspirational leader he writes about, able to catalyze and sustain shifts in thinking to ignite the potential of and bring out the absolute best in every individual or organization he awakens.
Doug Krug’s first book, Enlightened Leadership, provided key insights and reminders essential for any individual/organization/community to enjoy rewarding and successful professional & personal lives, despite having to tackle tough issues. I have known Doug Krug to go into completely dysfunctional organizations that are failing miserably. By saying very little- yet posing expertly focused questions, Doug Krug succeeds in awakening all members of any group, especially the destabilizers, to understand and unleash the power of working together to create and live the future they want, instead of the one the 'not awares' force us into.” We eagerly await his third book, The Missing Piece in Leadership, to catalyze others to see how they might change the negative dynamic so prevalent today, and instead, really help themselves and others achieve far more.
Bits & Pieces: The Magazine That Motivates The World http://www.motivateandinspire.com
An inspiring and uplifting monthly publication. Bits & Pieces is a pocket-size inspiring booklet filled with quotes and short stories, published monthly, that Deb Lewis has subscribed to for years. Deb wanted to highlight this sponsor because of the positive messages the staff so expertly compiles for its readers. For Deb and perhaps many of you, reading just the right quote or story at the right time, can make all the difference in our responses, especially when we can be surrounded by extremely negative and unproductive influences. One of Deb’s quotes was even published in the September 2010 booklet-
“Our words do matter. Our actions matter more. The legacy of our words and actions matters most.”
Deb is grateful for Apryl King for the great work of this publication, and most recently for deciding to publish her quote and company plans to discuss the Duty, Honor, America Tour with readers in a future publication.
The Pacific Institute
A company that truly achieves what others value - enhancing individual resiliency and personal effectiveness.
Deb’s Story - After Deb Lewis returned from Iraq in 2007, she needed a follow-on assignment so her daughter could attend Ballard High
School in Seattle as her top choice for her senior year. After having to change schools every year from 2nd to 9th grades, and already having gone to 2 high schools, Deb decided to put Emily’s needs first that year. Despite being told this assignment would limit her chances for future promotions, Deb was grateful to The Adjutant General, MG Timothy Lowenberg, for selecting her to become the Inspector General for the State of Washington. Despite having commanded large and very diverse units for the past six of nine years in the military, Deb inherited one talented civilian and a workload sufficient for 5+ people to address critical needs unmet by our Nation. Here, the WA National Guard deployed a key Brigade less than two years prior, supported continuous ongoing deployments of the remaining smaller units, with plans to redeploy the Brigade in the next year—all while staffed with full time manning and coordination requirements established at pre- 9/11 levels. Soon after observing the calm and skillful manner of another West Pointer, COL Mary Forbes, an officer with 5 children and shouldering significant responsibilities as the J-1, Deb was compelled to ask “What is your secret?”
COL Forbes shared that years earlier she had taken a course from The Pacific Institute (TPI) as part of the Washington National Guard, and later paid herself to send her husband and many of her kids to similar TPI courses, as well as, working with her leadership to provide similar TPI training to her Recruiting Command when she commanded it. Her unit experienced dramatic improvements by almost every indicator.
At a minimum, TPI training is complementary to any other available program. At best TPI’s 40 years of powerful training experience (in 18 different languages and many countries) offers the basic building blocks within existing programs to reach all audiences, including children, family members/caregivers, adults and those with life-changing disabilities. The program focuses on helping others make better life choices by explaining key concepts of self-esteem, positive/negative self talk, goal-setting (not the way you were taught!) etc. The multiple/reinforcing formats for their program (including "PX2- I'm In Control" music/40 ea- 10 min mini-coaching audio sessions/workbooks/ videos) and the ability to serve all ages and needs make it ideal for military, veterans and families, and has been used for military and families within the WA NG. Awareness through the initial training session is the first step, and the multiple formats offered help to sustain and remind each person what actions help or hinder their efforts to become more resilient and make better life choices.
With funds scarce compared to the need, the Washingon State National Guard worked with many others, including their local AUSA chapter to figure out how to get their most needy military (wounded warriors, suddenly disabled, PTSD, TBI, Suicide attempts, family readiness group volunteers, family members- including children) and leaders this training. As the IG, Deb personally witnessed dramatic results after encouraging members brought to her attention, and their families, to take advantage of this offered training, with verbal follow-up to assess the impact. Deb knows of no other existing program in her 30 years in the military that delivers such immediate results in such an easily adaptable and expandable format that reaches any age and situation how to improve their ‘personal efficacy’. For example, the Army recently launched the “Comprehensive Soldier Fitness” initiative that focuses on the 5 domains of Spiritual, Physical, Family, Social, Emotional to enhance resiliency (initial contract cost of $110M) starting with new recruits. Based on her personal observations and discussions with many others, Deb believes that anyone who becomes aware of and then strives to apply the essential 12 building block units taught so effectively at TPI directly enhances individual and organizational resiliency reflected in all five Army domains, and most importantly, lowers current alarming trends (such as suicides, violence). By clarifying these essential life skills embedded in the curriculum, our military, veterans and families are better equipped to deal with existing and anticipated stresses they face. Determined to identify tools and efforts that REALLY help our military, veterans and families both personally and professionally, Deb has and will continue to increase awareness of the successes she has witnessed in WA State and elsewhere. Anyone who genuinely cares about increasing the resiliency of those adversely affected (directly and indirectly) by service to our Nation will be excited to discover ways currently being used that make sure those who need help, get it.
If you or someone you know would like to benefit from The Pacific Institute education, please contact Jay or Susan Sloan at 703-623-9254 (C) or at jjsloan@aol.com. Jay served an entire career in DOD; he and Susan were Deb's (and Colonel Forbes's) course facilitators.
“I’m in Control” - The Music of PX2™ PX2 Music CD
Deb has found these powerful lyrics are available to remind us all how we can thrive in life, not merely survive, despite the challenges we face each day. The lyrics embody the essence of the TPI message and they are sung by the talented Antowaine Richardson. Antowaine said he waited patiently 13 years to get it right, and many have seen the positive impact on others when they "get it". Deb listens to the music most days to remind her how to make better choices in the midst of her daily adventures, and to create a future that is better for us all.
Favorite Non-Sponsors- Dunkin Donuts, Waffle House, Panera, Starbucks, Dairy Queen