Doug's Daily Updates.

Day 1 of 365- October 7, 2010
October 7 2010. Watertown New York (Fort Drum nearby). Group of soldiers and community members ready to escort Doug Adams out of town as he and Deb Lewis begin the Duty, Honor, America Tour. Day 1 of 365.

Day 2 of 365- October 8, 2010
October 8 2010. Lake Placid, New York. Ended my ride from Piercefield (after spending the night in Tupper Lake) at the Lake Placid Volunteer Fire Department. Bob Whitney, a member of the LPVFD, took great care of
Doug Adams after the ride through the hilly Adirondacks, while waiting for Deb Lewis
with the RV. In the photo Doug is handing Bob a challenge coin from the PFC William Kenzo Nakamura chapter of the Association of the US Army, which Doug continued to lead while cycling the Duty, Honor, America Tour. Day 2 of 365.

Day 3 of 365- October 9, 2010
October 9 2010. Au Sable Forks, New York. Cycling from Lake Placid, New York to Burlington, Vermont. Before arriving at Port Kent ferry site on Lake Champlain, traveled through Au Sable Valley and stopped at American Legion Post 504. Connected with
Deb Lewis in the RV at Port Kent and we crossed over to Vermont on the ferry Valcour, where we were met by a police escort (Officer Baur and Corporal Thibeaut) that guided us to the
Howard Plant VFW Post 782, courtesy of Bob Colby. Day 3 of 365.

Day 4 of 365-October 10, 2010
October 10, 2010. Cycling in Vermont from Burlington to Northfield and then to Montpelier (the state capital). Big thanks to the parents of Colonel Tom O'Donovan and Denise ODonovan, who let us do some laundry and watch some TV at their home in Burlington the previous evening (while they were away!). This day was: 1) about riding to Norwich University to where a good friend of ours (and of all soldiers) graduated in 1959--General Gordon Sullivan, Army Chief of Staff; and 2) finishing the day at the Vermont State Veterans Office. Unfortunately, since it was Sunday, the office was closed, but that just meant I need to plan better! Instead, we connected with VFW Post 792, Montpelier VT, with Don Dockter's help. Great conversations about veterans and their need for help. Day 4 of 365.