About Deb & Doug
Doug Adams and Deb Lewis (aka LTC (R) Douglass S. Adams and COL (R) Debra M. Lewis):
Even though they were classmates at West Point, Deb and Doug first met 17 years later at the Pentagon in 1997. Their relationship evolved from co-workers to friends to husband and wife. (This highly unlikely pairing occurred despite Deb’s earlier public foreswearing to date military men again, especially West Pointers, and really especially classmates!!!) Nearing the end of over 60 years of combined military service, they have separately held numerous leadership and followership positions in their careers, facing and overcoming many personal challenges to be who they are today.
As Deb and Doug’s relationship deepened, they discovered their complementary, yet different approaches to life and learning. Deb’s approach is more experimental (think ‘recon by fire’) versus Doug’s often theoretical (think ‘observation’). Both approaches offered countless opportunities to serve others in small and large ways over the years.
Over two decades together made it possible for Deb and Doug to take on impressive challenges, such as Deb’s three Engineer District military commands in the U.S. and in Iraq, and Doug’s championing Veterans issues and many more non-profit causes, plus helping Deb’s daughter as she successfully graduated High School, graduated college and now finishing her Ph.D.
Together, Deb and Doug have three children and one grandchild, who remind them what’s really important. Always continuously learning, growing, and taking risks along the way, they’ve joined forces with many talented and like-hearted amazing people to make a positive difference for others.
You can certainly relate to Deb and Doug’s diverse experiences, good and bad, inspiring and encouraging us to bring out the best in each other. They had the opportunity to take it to the next level during the Duty, Honor, America Tour.